microdermabrasion vs chemical peel

Microdermabrasion Vs. Chemical Peel: Which One Is Right For You?

Microdermabrasion and chemical peel procedures are common skin treatments to exfoliate the skin and help improve skin texture and tone. While both are done under professional guidance, choosing the right one for you can be confusing. This article will outline the most important things you should know before booking an appointment.

What Is The Difference Between Microdermabrasion And Chemical Peel?

The key difference between both procedures mainly lies in their mode of procedure, costs, recovery time, and possible effects. Microdermabrasion is a cheap and non-surgical procedure that uses fine crystals to exfoliate the skin. Although it doesn’t last long, it is a safe treatment for all skin types and requires no downtime. 

A chemical peel is an expensive alternative. The procedure uses an acid solution to peel away layers of skin. This treatment is invasive and lasts longer, but it requires seven to fourteen days of downtime for recovery.

What’s Better, Microdermabrasion Or Chemical Peel?

The best procedure of the two options varies for different individuals, depending on your skin type, concerns, and the results you look forward to seeing after the treatment. 

Microdermabrasion Vs. Chemical Peel For Acne

Microdermabrasion may be effective in treating mild acne breakouts and scars, but chemical peels are preferable for treating serious acne because they are less irritable to the skin.

Microdermabrasion Vs. Chemical Peel For Wrinkles

You can easily correct fine lines or light wrinkles with microdermabrasion or light chemical peels. Deeper wrinkles, however, are best treated with a medium or deep chemical peel.

Microdermabrasion Vs. Chemical Peel For Sun Damage

The right procedure to choose for sun-damaged skin depends on the effect of the sun damage, such as sagging skin, rough skin, sun spots, etc. Microdermabrasion will work fine for rough skin and other minor sun damage because it promotes collagen growth. More severe damage, such as sunspots or the risk of melasma, can be treated with a chemical peel.

Microdermabrasion Or Chemical Peel For Hyperpigmentation

You can treat hyperpigmentation with both microdermabrasion and chemical peel. A chemical peel is mostly preferred because one can achieve the result in one session, although it will require about 14 days of recovery. So, you can consider a series of microdermabrasion sessions for a similar result with zero downtime.

Microdermabrasion Or Chemical Peel For Large Pores

One cannot change the size of large pores, but regular exfoliation can make them less noticeable by reducing pore dilation. Dermatologists recommend microdermabrasion to treat large pores, but a light chemical peel can also do an efficient job. 

How Soon After A Chemical Peel Can I Do Microdermabrasion?

You can get microdermabrasion two weeks or more after a chemical peel. If you are getting microdermabrasion with a chemical peel, it is recommended to get the former before the latter.


Which is better: microdermabrasion or chemical peel? Both exfoliating methods work efficiently for rejuvenating the skin but deciding on the right one for you should depend on your skin type, cost, and if you are willing to bear the risk of possible side effects.

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